"Private security activities fall under Book VI of the code of internal security.
The law of July 12, 1983 is the organic law which defines the general legal framework for private security activities. It has been fully implemented into the Code of Homeland Security on May 1, 2012.
All professionals in the private security sector (businesses and employees) are subject to the code of conduct of private security activities. The latter is integrated into the regulatory part of the Code of Homeland Security (Book VI).
The CNAPS (National Council for Private Security Activities), among other things, provides: business approval (activity authorization), leaders (ability), and agents (business permit).
As part of the physical protection missions of people, agents are not only subject to Book VI of CSI, but also to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, which they have a perfect knowledge of.”
All documents issued by a company whose main purpose is to protect people’s physical integrity must reproduce the identification of the administrative authorization provided by Article L. 612-9 of the Code of internal security, as well as the provisions of Article L612-14. Therefore, this text is at the bottom of each page of this website.
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